Comprehensive strategies to address every exposure
The expert team at SCS work hard to bring you the most up-to-date services for the management of risks across the aviation industry. From reviewing your process to training your staff, we provide everything you need to reduce your risk and prevent losses.
Advising & Consulting
- Implementing management systems for risk and safety, including policy and framework development.
- Enabling senior managers and teams to react, respond and recover quickly from unforeseen risk or uncertainty.
- Supporting you to develop an organisational risk culture - tailored to your business.
- Accessing industry leading expertise in the field of wildlife management.
- Strengthening risk and safety management system effectiveness, helping you to realise greater predictive value.
- Delivering world-class aviation mental health support through aviation peer support programmes – we currently do this for 20,000 pilots in 11 countries and 8 languages.
Reviewing & Validating
- Identifying, investigating and reviewing risk and safety, or themed hotspots.
- Delivering operational performance, safety and hazard reviews.
- Assessing risk and safety management maturity.
- Investigating specific operational risk or hazard issues, and organisation-wide strategies.
- Organising airport wildlife hazard management compliance checks against industry standards.
- Conducting ground damage reviews and implementing ground operations standards.
- Analysing hazard and incident data for sources of operational risk, particularly wildlife strikes, and providing DNA species identification.
- Assuring network integrity through a risk-based desktop solution that is aligned to management system principles and provides remote assurance of operations across diverse regional or global networks.
Coaching & Training
- Delivering accredited introductory and risk and safety management workshops.
- Facilitating web-based workshops that share best practice knowledge, and transfer skills and critical behaviours.
- Coaching individuals in their risk duties and responsibilities.
- Supporting global operators, within and beyond aviation, to implement scalable peer support solutions.
- Skilling safety critical aviation professionals in appropriate occupational health and wellness programmes, including fatigue and impairment management.
- Educating employees in the importance of impairment testing.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.